2D to 3D Maps with Raycaster
- Applied an efficient and lean implementation of the raycasting algorithm to create 3D perspective in a 2D map
- Improved the functions on floating-point and fixed-point (8-bit precision) versions
OpenFlow Switch and ONOS Application Implementation
- Designed and implemented network topology for SDN-IP application on physical network environment
- Emulated the network environment with Quagga to provide implementations of BGP.
- Verified functions of the flow, group, and meter tables of switches in different SDNs
- Supervised by Dr. Chien-Chao Tseng.
git remote add origin ${your-ssh-repo-url}
Command-Line Editing Tool
- Implemented line editing tool with C, which support for history handling, auto-completion and auto-suggestions.
- Monitored program memory management by Valgrind and integrated linenoise to project.
AWS-based Instant Messenger
- Implemented a chatting system with AWS EC2 and RDS
- Balanced the workload by dynamically arranging different number of running instances
IOT Front-End Intern
- Developed the CMS front-end and App service via ReactJS and Redux and Typescript.
- Leveraged IoT devices to track e-scooters real-time GPS position and visualized via Maps JavaScript API.
- Solved 63 tasks in two months through implementing new features and resolving issues with different teams.
NCTU+ Student Organization
- Led front-end team of the website which was utilized by 95%+ (5000+) NCTU students.
- Developed and reconstructed the features of
course planning, course advising, GPA calculating, and etc. - Lectured 50+ students on Javascript and database architecture.

IoT Logistics
- Developed an online food delivery platform similar toUber Eats.
- Integrated IotTalk platform, android App, Linebots, and web application for clients and delivery staff.